Roberto Tonelli

Roberto Tonelli

Department of Mathematics and Informatics

The University of Cagliari

Associate Profesor at the Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Cagliari.
Prof. R. Tonelli leads teams of Post-Doc, Ph.D students and Master students. He is Principal Investigator and Coordinator of scientific projects financed through competition among pairs calls and directs all the people involved within the projects. He is coordinator of the Ph.D. board in Mathematics and Informatics at University of Cagliari. He is the founder of a Spin-Off on blockchain technologies at University of Cagliari and collaborates with researchers groups in England, New Zealand, Israel, US, Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, China. He organized about twenty international conferences and workshops as well as two summer schools on blockchain technology. He managed scientific projects for a total budget of more than 2 millions Euro. He is the representative for the MISE (Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico) for the EBSI (European Blockchain Service Infratructure) project on the ESSIF (European Self Sovereign Identity Framework) use case as well as representative for Unica of the IBSI project (Italian Blockchain Service Infrastructure) and maintainer of the Unica node of the IBSI blockchain. He obtained the “Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore Ordinario ssd 01/B1 (inf 01)” — (Officially entitled by MIUR for the Full Professor Position in Informatics). He is the author of more than 130 research papers on international peer reviewed Journal and Conferences, main organizer of more than 15 international workshops. He is the supervisor of vasious Ph.D. thesis and Master thesis. He has more than 3400 citations on scholar, with h-index 31, and more than 1600 on Scopus, with h-index 22.

Blockchain Technology
Software Engineering
Agile Development
Complex Software Systems