Adele Finco

Adele Finco

Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences

Polytechnic University of Marche

Adele Finco is Full Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics (Agr/01) at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (D3A), Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy). Currently, she teaches “Agricultural Policy”, “Policies and Valuation of Agri-environmental and Forestry systems” and “Rural Appraisal”.
She was coordinator of the PhD course in Agricultural Sciences, curriculum Sustainable Management in Hill and Mountain Areas (2005-2014). Since 2003, she has held various scientific and professional positions inside and outside the Academia and she has been responsible for many scientific research activities. From 2013 to 2022 she was Editor-in-chief of the Italian Review of Agricultural Economics (REA). She was founder and president of Cluster Agri-food Marche (2015-2019), an association that supports the strengthening of collaboration, networking to stimulate innovation activities, especially in agri-food SMEs.
She is author of about 80 publications in line with the topic of the project. She has been published in a wide range of international peer-reviewed journals, conference proceeding, national and international books.

Innovation of agri-food systems
Agriculture and Rural Development Policy
Environmental and Resource Economics
Food consumption
Bioenergy economics and Policy