W.E. B.E.S.T. Prin project at FIET of Venice, the “Italian Food and Tourism Exhibition”
W.E. B.E.S.T. Prin project with its official Partners (the University of Foggia; the University of Palermo and the University of Marche), as well as with other members of the network (EvoDigitale and the Sapienza University of Rome) participated in the international event “Italian Food and Tourism Exhibition – FIET”, organized by SOLUTIONGROUPS srl of Foggia. The event has been held on 22-25 October, 2022 in Venice at the palace Cà Vendramin Calergi, a historic palace of the Casino of Venice.
FIET is an International Event. It hosts Visitors and Buyers from all over the world.
In addition to the presence of some Italian Regions, Municipalities, Union of Municipalities representing the Micro Territories, the Buyers and Stakeholders of the sectors also found public/private agencies on display for the promotion and development of the Territory in terms of Tourism, Agriculture and the Food.
Together with the W.E. B.E.S.T. Prin project team, numerous institutions, small towns and Apulian companies, represented the LUXURY of their territories, a journey through flavors; food and wine and cultural excellences; and innovation for international markets.
The University of Foggia, Department of Economics, represented, at the invitation of the Director prof. Michele Milone, by Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore (Full Professor in Agricultural Economics) and by Dr. Fedele Colantuono (Project Manager for European projects), participated in the FIET days through institutional promotion activities within an exhibition stand dedicated to universities as well as attending conferences and managing multidisciplinary technical tables.
In addition to the institutional promotion activities within an exhibition stand, given the numerous experiences in research and development on the theme of the agri-food chain, the W.E. B.E.S.T. Prin project team, has organized round table “BCT or not BCT? Blockchain for the protection of Made in Italy: know-how from the PRIN W.E. B.E.S.T. project” (October 23, 2022, 11:00 in Sala Cuoio). The round table has been dedicated to blockchain technology, as a quality protection tool guaranteeing traceability of agri-food products, with a focus on the results of the W.E. B.E.S.T. national project financed by the PRIN Ministerial Funds where the contribution of the blockchain on the extra virgin olive oil and wine supply chains is evaluated. Various University Professors, as well as project partners, and national experts on the subject have participated in the technical table, including: Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore (University of Foggia), Prof. Adele Finco (Polytechnic University of Marche), Prof. Antonino Galati (University of Palermo), Prof. Leonardo Salvatore Alaimo (Sapienza University of Rome), Dr. William Nonnis (Full Stack & Blockchain developer ENEA) and Dr. Eraldo Vaccargiu (Elite Blockchain Director – EvoDigitale President).
These days of networking, dissemination and sharing in a privileged environment, made up of Territorial Excellences, in the elegant setting of Venice, helped strengthen the visibility of W.E. B.E.S.T. Prin project in an international context, suitable for creating new relationships and functional contacts for a homogeneous development of the Italian Territory.
More about “Italian Food and Tourism Exhibition”
We offer you a video of the round table and some photos from the event: