Call for researcher
Within the framework of the research project “W.E. B.E.S.T. = Wine EVOO Blockchain and Smart Contracts,” supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN), the Department of Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Sciences at the University of Palermo announces the call for research fellow.
Scientific -disciplinary area: 07
Scientific-disciplinary sector: AGRI-01/A
Duration: 12 month
Grant: n.1, type B
Title: Determinants of consumer acceptance of new technologies for the traceability and certification of wine and extra virgin olive oil.
The research activity aims to evaluate the consumers’ behaviour towards the new digital tools that is offered by the interface of the BCT using the stated preferences methodology. In detail, we want to investigate whether consumers are willing to pay a premium price for extra information on wine and EVO oil employing a QR code. Based on data collected from the designated surveys, the research fellow will have to identify, through the adoption of a statistic software for data analysis, which factors can explain consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) a premium price for a bottle of extra-virgin olive oil or wine traced by BCT. Finally, an economic simulation and scenario analysis based on data collected during the first years of the project activities related to the potentiality of spreading the BCT in the wine and EVOO sector in Italy will be carried out.
In order to see the call, please visit the University web-page at the following link:
For any further inquiries, please contact the scientific coordinator for this position, Professor Antonino Galati, at Email: