
The annual meeting of the W.E. B.E.S.T. project “Wine EVOO – Blockchain Et Smart ContracT” has been held in Foggia, Italy on 17-18 January 2024

W.E. B.E.S.T. project is funded under the PRIN 2020 – Italian Research Projects of National Relevance.

The W.E. B.E.S.T. project, led by the University of Foggia, recently hosted its annual meeting, bringing together participants from the Polytechnic University of Marche, the University of Palermo, the University of Cagliari, the University of Naples Federico II, the University of Molise, and the Sapienza University of Rome to share insights, advancements, and collaborative efforts in the field of blockchain technology within the agricultural sector.

The first day commenced at the Department of Economics, University of Foggia, with a warm welcome to participants and a glimpse into the university’s commitment to the W.E. B.E.S.T. project’s core themes. Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore and Prof. Piermichele La Sala, along with Dr. Nino Adamashvili and Dr. Fedele Colantuono, shared findings from similar projects, setting the stage for the day’s discussions.

A key highlight was the presentation by Jean-Philippe Eisenbarth from the research group of Habil. Prof. Radu State, the University of Luxembourg, SnT, who delved into the characteristics and potential applications of blockchain technology in the agricultural supply chain. It was followed by the presentation of Dr. Leonardo Alaimo from the Sapienza University of Rome entitled as “Blockchain: the social technology”.

The evening session transported participants to the partner wine company ELDA, fostering collaboration between academia and industry. ELDA, a vital contributor to the project, opened its doors for an insightful tour led by Alessandro Coduto, Export Manager. Then, Rosalia Ambrosino, director, made a presentation of the company’s vineyards, wines, and social responsibility, and the ELDA wine tasting has started. After that, Prof. Nino Chkhartishvili from the Georgian Technical University made a presentation of Georgian wine history and unique techniques, followed by Georgian wine testing led by Dr. Nino Adamashvili who has presented Meskhetian green and Saperavi of Qvevri. The evening concluded with a dinner organized by EDLA including local food.

The second day took place at the Meeting Room of the Library of the Economics Area of the University of Foggia. The meeting saw the active participation of representatives from partner institutions, each providing updates on their respective research areas.
The agenda covered a range of topics, including updates from each participating institution, presentations on recent research outcomes, and discussions on future activities. The meeting commenced with greetings from Mr. Rinaldi, the head of the Economic Area Library, who provided insights into the library’s history and recent developments.

Dr. Adamashvili highlighted the significance of collaborative efforts, emphasizing the creation of synergies and networking among teams from completed and ongoing projects. She, together with the scientific coordinator, Prof. Caterina Tricase, presented the outcomes of the recently concluded regional project RIPARTI, aligning its results with the objectives of the PRIN project.

Key updates from UNIVPM and UNIPA focused on the analysis of factors influencing BCT implementation in wine and olive oil companies. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted to understand motivations and obstacles. UNICAL and UNIMOL presented progress on their specific project components, including the extension of Soulbound Token (SBT) application to the wine supply chain.

A notable legal development discussed was Article 48 of Law Proposal 958/2023, supporting applied research, development, and the use of Blockchain technology. It establishes a national catalog to list technologies compliant with European Blockchain Services.

UNIMOL presented a study on integrating IOTA’s Tangle with IoT for sustainable agriculture, demonstrating how these technologies can optimize agricultural practices.

UNINA introduced the newest team member, Mr. Farina, a research fellow funded by the PRIN project. His presentation outlined his role and contributions to the project.

The meeting concluded with UNIFG presenting initial results from the analysis of interviews conducted by UNIVPM and UNIPA. Dr. Maria Rosaria Maschio and Dr. Nino Adamashvili highlighted the challenges faced by wineries during BCT implementation, forming the basis for future educational material aimed at both farmers and consumers.

At the conclusion of the meeting, following the greetings and announcements from the Principal Investigator, Professor F. Contò, the team looked ahead and discussed joint participation in a series of conferences listed below:

The team of students / doctoral candidates / young researchers under 36 who will participate in the Student Case Competition during the Ifama 2024 conference was also organized. Additionally, the 1st Spring School in Research Methodology was introduced, recommended for inclusion in the various active doctoral programs at the participating universities in the meeting.

The W.E. B.E.S.T. PRIN project continues to make significant strides in promoting sustainable agriculture and the integration of Blockchain technology, contributing valuable insights to the agricultural and technological communities.

See the pictures from meeting: