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The 15th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ) Conference “Sustainable Business Concepts and Practices”

September 21st-23rd, 2022 the 15th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ) Conference “Sustainable Business Concepts and Practices” has been held in Palermo, Italy with the sponsorship and support of the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences (SAAF), the University of Nicosia, the City of Palermo, ARS (Sicilian Regional Assembly), Fiasconaro LLC (a pastry shop in Castelbuono, Italy), Linking LLC (consulting society), L’orto di Rosolino (fruit and vegetable company in Palermo, Italy), Alessandro di Camporeale S.C.A. (winery in Palermo, Italy), Tenuta Rapitalà (winery in Palermo, Italy), and EnerNETMob project. The winery Alessandro di Camporeale S.C.A. has hosted the conference participants for the dinner and winetasting activities.

W.E. B.E.S.T. project partners have been actively involved in the organization of the conference and hosting it in Palermo, Italy. The organizational committee has been mostly consisted of the employees of the University of Palermo as well as of the University of Foggia and the University of Naples Federico II. The conference chairs have been Prof. Antonino Galati and Prof. Maria Crescimanno from the University of Palermo who have opened the conference by an interesting welcome speech regarding the city of Palermo and the working topics of this three-days event.

Besides, W.E. B.E.S.T. project partners played an important role for providing additional value to the conference. Representatives of the University of Foggia and the University of Palermo have organized the session “Blockchain Technology as a digital enabler for sustainable competitive advantage” and carried out the workshop in the frame of the W.E. B.E.S.T. project.

The session chairs have been Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore (the University of Foggia, Department of Economics) and Prof. Antonino Galati (the University of Palermo, Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences).

The presentations included the topics of great interest for the W.E. B.E.S.T. project. Precisely, the session has been opened by Dr. Ph.D. Nino Adamashvili discussing the potential of BCT to generate trust-based competitive advantage and the role of human factor as a moderator (authors: Silvestri, R., Adamashvili, N., Alaimo, L. S., Fiore, M., Galati, A.). It has been followed by the work of professors Justyna Franc-Dabrowska and Nina Drejerska entitled as “Financialization the economy and its balance: an emphasis on smart village”. After that Dr. Giulia Chiaraluce – a Ph.D. student at the Polytechnic University of Marche has presented the work named “BCT based application for future sustainable food supply chains: a systematic literature review” (authors: Fiore M., Finco, A., Crescimanno, M., Adamashvili N., Bentivoglio D., Chiaraluce G., Staffolani G., Contò, F., Galati, A.). The work received “Conference Best Student Paper Award”. Then, Dr. Michael Paul Kramer – a Ph.D. candidate in Viticulture and Enology at the Hochschule Geisenheim University (Germany) has presented his work developed with prof. Jon H. Hanf entitled as “How blockchain can improve the resilience of agricultural supply chain”. Finally, prof. Remo Pareschi from the University of Molise has concluded the session with the presentation regarding the role of blockchain technology for inter-organizational algorithmic management. W.E. B.E.S.T. project team member, Roberto Tonelli from the University of Cagliari has been presented as well.

Additionally, the contribution of W.E. B.E.S.T. project partners in quality assurance of the conference works is noteworthy. Prof. Mariantonietta Fiore and Prof. Antonino Galati have been praiseworthy members of scientific committee.

It Should be noted that the Book of Proceedings includes an ISBN number and it has always been approved for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index — of Clarivate Analytics an integrated index within Web of Science. This distinction is given only to the most significant, in terms of academic excellence, conferences-conventions worldwide. All accepted papers and abstracts are published in this Book of Proceedings.

Furthermore, a selection of the best conference papers will also be considered for publication in the number of high-quality peer-reviewed journals, all of which are internationally ranked or/and ISI/Scopus approved. Some of these journals devote and publish a special issue based on conference papers.

Additionally, EuroMed Academy of Business’ is launching three book series (two of them are Scopus indexed) in the coming year, in association with three internationally prominent publishers:

Participants of the conference are welcome to contribute to these books.

More about the 15th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business (ΕΜΑΒ) Conference “Sustainable Business Concepts and Practices”

The book of proceedings

Bellow you can find some photos from the conference: